
Mail Trap Isolates
Email Testing
from Production


Mailtrap collects all
emails from the Local
Host, Stage, QA, etc.

Mailtrap simulates the work of a real
SMTP server. It isolates the staging
emailing from production and
eliminates any possibility of a test
email to land in a real customer’s


Mailtrap distributes
emails from each server to
special inboxes

By entering 5-10 lines configuration
code developers associate each
server with particular inbox at
Mailtrap, so all emails from that
server will be stored in specific inbox,
which makes it one place easy to test
staging emails.


Check how the email is
being rendered in a
Mailtrap inbox

Both Development and Product
Management teams can fully rely on
this tool when checking email delivery
and, later on, inspecting the email

Test Your Emails Now